Clive A. Burden LTD. Rare Maps, Antique Atlases, Books and Decorative Prints

The Mapping of North America

Mr. Philip D. Burden​
P.O. Box 863,
Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks HP6 9HD,
Tel: +44 (0) 1494 76 33 13

Rare maps of Southeast Southwest

30 rare maps matched your search criteria.
CLOUET, Jean Baptiste Louis
Paris, 1780
Isles, caps et ports de mer de l'Amerique
315 x 550 mm, including the side panels, early wash colour, very small worm hole in the centre, otherwise in good condition.
Stock number: 11150
$ 175

Amsterdam, 1630-[32]
America noviter delineata
195 x 255 mm., with recent wash colour, light even toning, margins trimmed slightly, centrefold crease, verso with remnants of old guard remaining, otherwise in good condition.
Stock number: 11107
$ 495

MERIAN, Matthaus
Frankfurt, 1631
America noviter delineata
355 x 445 mm., with professional repair to a tear in the upper margin just left of centre, otherwise in good condition.
Stock number: 11109
$ 850

Paris, 1778
Amerique ou Indes Occidentales
500 x 660 mm., dissected and laid on contemporary linen, laid down on board, early outline colour, some loss of cloth at folds, the folded cloth over the edges masks the scales which appear below the margins, light surface wear.
Stock number: 11148
$ 350

Cadell & Davies & Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, London, 1809-[15]
Spanish Dominions in North America, Northern Part
515 x 705 mm., lovely early wash colour, in good condition.
Stock number: 10940
$ 1,350

London, c.1673
A New Discription of Carolina By Order of the Lords Proprietors
THE FIRST LORDS PROPRIETORS MAP. 420 x 550 mm., with a couple of very minor splits along the folds professionally repaired, trimmed close as usual, otherwise in very good condition.
Stock number: 10953
$ 15,000

Sold by Tho:Bassett in Fleetstreet and Richard Chiswell in St. Pauls Church Yard, London, 1676
A Map of Virginia and Maryland
380 x 500 mm., with a small upper right corner margin repair, otherwise in good condition.
Stock number: 10915
$ 4,500

RAYNAL, Guillaume Thomas Francois
Ernest van Harrevelt; Daniel Jean Changuion, Amsterdam, 1773
Carte de la Virginie et du Maryland, ou de la Baie de Chesapeack et Pays Voisins
200 x 290 mm., in very nice full early wash colour, good condition.
Stock number: 10803
$ 450

RAYNAL, Guillaume Thomas Francois
Ernest van Harrevelt; Daniel Jean Changuion, Amsterdam, 1773
Carte du Golphe du Mexique et des Isles de l'Amerique
290 x 380 mm., in very nice full early wash colour, good condition.
Stock number: 10809
$ 395

RAYNAL, Guillaume Thomas Francois
Ernest van Harrevelt; Daniel Jean Changuion, Amsterdam, 1773
Carte de la Louisiane et Pays Voisins
225 x 300 mm., in very nice full early wash colour, good condition.
Stock number: 10800
$ 375

CATLIN, George
George Catlin. Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly [but Chatto & Windus], London, [1875]
Catlin's North American Indian Portfolio. Hunting Scenes and Amusements of the Rocky Mountains and Prairies of America.Catlin's North American Indian Portfolio. Hunting Scenes and Amusements of the Rocky Mountains and Prairies of America.Catlin's North American Indian Portfolio. Hunting Scenes and Amusements of the Rocky Mountains and Prairies of America.Catlin's North American Indian Portfolio. Hunting Scenes and Amusements of the Rocky Mountains and Prairies of America.Catlin's North American Indian Portfolio. Hunting Scenes and Amusements of the Rocky Mountains and Prairies of America.Catlin's North American Indian Portfolio. Hunting Scenes and Amusements of the Rocky Mountains and Prairies of America.Catlin's North American Indian Portfolio. Hunting Scenes and Amusements of the Rocky Mountains and Prairies of America.Catlin's North American Indian Portfolio. Hunting Scenes and Amusements of the Rocky Mountains and Prairies of America.
THE RARE 31 PLATE ISSUE. Folio (595 x 430 mm.), contemporary half straight-grained blue morocco by Zaehnsdorf, uncut, blue cloth boards, gilt ruled, spine with ornate gilt raised bands, compartments with ornate central gilt feature and gilt titles, gilt top, marbled endpapers. With title page, Contents and 31 hand coloured lithographic plates (25 numbered and 6 unnumbered), each with blank interleaf, a few margins lightly stained, lower corner of title page chipped, 5 plates with waterstain in the margins effecting the image of only one - 'Attacking the Grizzly Bear', otherwise in good condition.
Stock number: 10495
$ 125,000

BLOME, Richard
Printed by T. Milbourn, and sold by J. Williams Junior, in Cross-Keys-Court, in Little-Brittain, London, 1672
A Description of the Island of Jamaica; With the other Isles and Territories in America, to which the English are Related ...A Description of the Island of Jamaica; With the other Isles and Territories in America, to which the English are Related ...A Description of the Island of Jamaica; With the other Isles and Territories in America, to which the English are Related ...A Description of the Island of Jamaica; With the other Isles and Territories in America, to which the English are Related ...A Description of the Island of Jamaica; With the other Isles and Territories in America, to which the English are Related ...A Description of the Island of Jamaica; With the other Isles and Territories in America, to which the English are Related ...
INCLUDING THE SECOND MAP OF CAROLINA. Octavo (150 x 95 mm.), full contemporary calf, blind panelled, rebacked with blind ruled compartments, red calf gilt title label, original endpapers. With typographic title page, dedication to Charles II, Preface, pp. (8), 192, with three folding maps, in excellent condition.
Stock number: 10277
$ 26,500

DE FER, Nicolas
A Paris dans l'!sle sur Ie Quay de l'Orloge a la Sphere Royale avec Prive. Du Roy 1715, Paris, 1715
La Riviere de Missisipi, et ses Environs, dans l'Amerique Septentrionale. Mis a jour par N. de Fer, Geographe de sa Majeste Catolique 1715
EXTREMELY RARE FIRST STATE OF NICOLAS DE FER'S LANDMARK MAP IN FULL CONTEMPORARY WASH COLOUR. 465 x 640 mm., in full early wash colour, faint water stain lower centrefold, otherwise in excellent condition.
Stock number: 9768
$ 49,500

DE BRY, Theodore - LE MOYNE, Francois
Frankfurt, 1591
Floridae Americae Provinciae Recens & exactissima descriptio Auctorè Iacobo le Moÿne cui co= gnomen de Morgues, Qui Laud= nierum, Altera Gallorum in eam Prouinciam Nauigatione comitat ...
370 x 460 mm., with some professional repair to the double folds as usual, with good margins on three sides, the top cut close just affecting upper right where some facsimile of the neat line exists, small rusthole just above the title repaired, otherwise in good condition.
Stock number: 8222
$ 13,500

LE ROUGE, George Louis
Chez Le Rouge Jngr Georgraphe Du Roi Rue Des Grandes Augustins, Paris, 1777
Virginie, Maryland en 2 feuilles par Fry et Jefferson Traduit, Corrige, Augmente a Paris
760 x 1050 mm., two sheets joined as one, in fine early outline colour, printed on strong paper, light toning to joint of two sheets as often the case, otherwise in good condition.
Stock number: 8849
$ 9,500

London, 1765
A New and Accurate Map of East and West Florida, Drawn from the Best Authorities
180 x 220 mm., in recent wash colour, good condition.
Stock number: 3993
$ 450

WELLS, Edward
London, 1700-[c.05]
A New Map of the most Considerable Plantations of the English in America
350 x 480 mm., in recent wash colour and good condition.
Stock number: 7988
$ 2,950

Theodore de Bry, Frankfurt, 1590
Americæ pars, Nunc Virginia dicta, primum ab Anglis inventa sumtibus Dn. Walteri Raleigh Equestris ordinis Viri Anno Dni.M.D LXXXV
305 x 415 mm., with good margins in good condition.
Stock number: 8221
$ 18,500

Edinburgh, 1814
Spanish North America
510 x 620 mm., early wash colour, a rare unfolded example in good condition.
Stock number: 5379
$ 550

MALLET, Alain Manesson
Paris, 1683
Novveav Mexique et Californie
145 x 100 mm, in recent wash colour and good condition.
Stock number: 4573
$ 595

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