Clive A. Burden LTD. Rare Maps, Antique Atlases, Books and Decorative Prints

The Mapping of North America

Mr. Philip D. Burden​
P.O. Box 863,
Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks HP6 9HD,
Tel: +44 (0) 1494 76 33 13

Rare maps of New England

11 rare maps matched your search criteria.
Sold by Tho:Bassett in Fleetstreet and Richard Chiswell in St. Pauls Church Yard, London, 1676
A Map of New England and New York
380 x 505 mm., in good condition.
Stock number: 10914
$ 5,500

RAYNAL, Guillaume Thomas Francois
Ernest van Harrevelt; Daniel Jean Changuion, Amsterdam, 1773
Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre Nouvelle York et Pensilvanie
210 x 295 mm., in very nice full early wash colour, good condition.
Stock number: 10802
$ 350

BLOME, Richard
Printed by T. Milbourn, and sold by J. Williams Junior, in Cross-Keys-Court, in Little-Brittain, London, 1672
A Description of the Island of Jamaica; With the other Isles and Territories in America, to which the English are Related ...A Description of the Island of Jamaica; With the other Isles and Territories in America, to which the English are Related ...A Description of the Island of Jamaica; With the other Isles and Territories in America, to which the English are Related ...A Description of the Island of Jamaica; With the other Isles and Territories in America, to which the English are Related ...A Description of the Island of Jamaica; With the other Isles and Territories in America, to which the English are Related ...A Description of the Island of Jamaica; With the other Isles and Territories in America, to which the English are Related ...
INCLUDING THE SECOND MAP OF CAROLINA. Octavo (150 x 95 mm.), full contemporary calf, blind panelled, rebacked with blind ruled compartments, red calf gilt title label, original endpapers. With typographic title page, dedication to Charles II, Preface, pp. (8), 192, with three folding maps, in excellent condition.
Stock number: 10277
$ 26,500

BLOME, Richard
Chez Abraham Wolfgang, pres la Bourse, Amsterdam, 1688
L'Amerique Angloise, ou description des isles terres du roi D'Angleterre, dans L'AmeriqueL'Amerique Angloise, ou description des isles terres du roi D'Angleterre, dans L'AmeriqueL'Amerique Angloise, ou description des isles terres du roi D'Angleterre, dans L'AmeriqueL'Amerique Angloise, ou description des isles terres du roi D'Angleterre, dans L'AmeriqueL'Amerique Angloise, ou description des isles terres du roi D'Angleterre, dans L'AmeriqueL'Amerique Angloise, ou description des isles terres du roi D'Angleterre, dans L'AmeriqueL'Amerique Angloise, ou description des isles terres du roi D'Angleterre, dans L'Amerique
WITH A PREVIOUSLY UNRECORDED FIRST STATE OF THE MAP OF NEW ENGLAND. Duodecimo (150 x 85 mm.), full contemporary calf, blind panelled, with ribbed spine, very ornate gilt decoration to compartments, gilt title, gilt slightly worn. With typographic title page, pp. [4], 331, [1], p. 236 erroneously numbered 136, with 7 folding maps, otherwise in excellent condition.
Stock number: 9894
$ 4,950

WELLS, Edward
London, 1700-[c.05]
A New Map of the most Considerable Plantations of the English in America
350 x 480 mm., in recent wash colour and good condition.
Stock number: 7988
$ 2,950

ALEXANDER, Sir William
London, 1624
(No title)
AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE MAP in its FIRST STATE. 250 x 340 mm., with wide margins, with some repair to double folds as might be expected, light fold along the centre, otherwise in good condition.
Stock number: 9881
$ 15,950

NORMAN, William
Boston, 1796-1803
A Chart of the Coast of America from Wood Island to Good Harbour From Hollands Surveys
520 x 830 mm., light browning to the margins. There is insignificant tiny loss to the margin line lower left, and to the margin upper left.
Stock number: 4259
$ 12,500

BROWNE, Christopher
C. Browne at the North gate of the Royal Exchange & by him at the Globe by the West end of St. Paul's Church, London, 1712
A New Mapp of New England and Annapolis with the Country's adjacent
BEAUTIFUL EARLY WASH COLOUR. 500 x 595 mm., in magnificent full early wash colour, good condition.
Stock number: 8247
$ 49,500

DES BARRES, Joseph Frederick Wallet
London, 5 August 1775
[Chart of the Harbour of Boston]/ Nautical Remarks and Observations for the Chart of the Harbour of Boston. Composed from different Surveys; but principally from that taken in 1769, by George Callendar, Late Master of His Majesty's Ship the Romney.[Chart of the Harbour of Boston]/ Nautical Remarks and Observations for the Chart of the Harbour of Boston. Composed from different Surveys; but principally from that taken in 1769, by George Callendar, Late Master of His Majesty's Ship the Romney.[Chart of the Harbour of Boston]/ Nautical Remarks and Observations for the Chart of the Harbour of Boston. Composed from different Surveys; but principally from that taken in 1769, by George Callendar, Late Master of His Majesty's Ship the Romney.
FIRST STATE. ACQUIRED BY HUGH PERCY, THE SAVIOUR OF THE BRITISH AT LEXINGTON AND CONCORD. 705 x 1040 mm., in 2 sheets joined, large aquatint and etched engraving, UNFOLDED AND UNCUT, with the LVG watermark. With pamphlet, quarto (280 x 230 mm.), original blue wrappers, typographic title, pp. 5-(12), there are no pages 3-4 which agrees with the John Carter Brown example.
Stock number: 8314
$ 22,500

THORNTON, John, MORDEN, Robert & LEA, Philip
Iohn Thornton at ye Platt in ye Minories./ By Robt. Morden at the Atlas in Corn-hill./ And by Phillip Lea at ye Atlas & Herculus/ in the Poultry, London, c.1685
A New Map of New England. New York. New Iersey. Pensilvania. Maryland. and Virginia
The FIRST STATE in fine EARLY OUTLINE COLOUR of the FIRST PLAN OF NEW YORK HARBOUR. 450 x 550 mm., in early outline colour, with two marks lower centre, otherwise in good condition.
Stock number: 8223
$ 29,500

[PRINCE, Thomas]
Printed by S. Kneeland and T. Green for D. Hencilman at the Corner Shop, the South Side of the Town-House & T. Hancock at the Bible and Three Crowns in Ann-Street, Boston, 1732
The Vade Mecum for America: Or a Companion for Traders and Travellers: Containing...The Vade Mecum for America: Or a Companion for Traders and Travellers: Containing...The Vade Mecum for America: Or a Companion for Traders and Travellers: Containing...The Vade Mecum for America: Or a Companion for Traders and Travellers: Containing...
Tall 16mo (180 x 75 mm.), full contemporary calf, blind panelled, rebacked preserving original spine with blind ruled compartments. [2], vi, 220 pp., later endpapers, some occasional light foxing otherwise in good condition.
Stock number: 8909
$ 2,950

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