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Rare maps of Essex

19 rare maps matched your search criteria.
SMITH, William - STENT, Peter
Printed and sould by P. Stent, London, 1602-[c.1645]
1602. Essexiae Comitatus descriptio Continens ...
440 x 560 mm., with two minor tears just effecting the margin lower centre, expertly repaired, with very light even toning, otherwise in very good condition.
Stock number: 10954
£ 2,950

London, 1612
Essex, Devided into Hundreds, with the Most Antient and Fayre Towne Colchester Described
FIRST EDITION. 390 x 520 mm., two minor margin tears repaired, otherwise in good condition.
Stock number: 10906
£ 995

Nuremberg, 1741
Regionis quae est circa Londinum, specialis repraesentatio geographica / Ausführliche Geographische Vorstellung der Gegend um London
510 x 570 mm., full early wash colour, in good condition.
Stock number: 10686
£ 650

Amsterdam, 1630-[1735]
Warwicum Northamptonia, Huntingdonia, Cantabrigia, Suffolcia, Oxonium, Buckinghamia, Bedfordia, Hartfordia, Essexia, Berceri, Midelsexia, Southhatonia, Surria, Cantium, Southsexia
195 x 260 mm., in good condition.
Stock number: 10677
£ 95

MOLL, Herman
London, c.1690
A New Map Containing the Towns Gentlemens Houses Villages and other Remarks Round London ...
A VERY EARLY ENVIRONS MAP. 260 x 290 mm., in early wash colour, with large margins, in very good condition.
Stock number: 9990
£ 1,750

LEA, Philip
Phil. Lea at ye Atlas & Hercules in Cheapside, London, c.1690
A Mapp Containing the Townes Villages Gentlemens Houses Roads Rivers Woods and other Remarks for 20 Miles Round London
515 x 560 mm., early outline colour, with minor water stain, printed on thick paper, with fold as issued, otherwise in good condition.
Stock number: 9734
£ 4,500

Amsterdam, 1645-[48]
Essexia Comitatus
415 x 520 mm., early outline colour in good condition.
Stock number: 9362
£ 495

JAILLOT, Alexis Hubert
Paris, 1693
Carte de l'Entree de la Tamise avec les Bancs, Passes, Isles et Costes Comprise entre Sandwich et Clay
460 x 900 mm., in fine condition, with very large margins, thick paper and superb watermark, a nice dark impression.
Stock number: 8775
£ 650

MORDEN, Robert and BERRY, William
R. Morden and W. Berry at the Atlas in Cornhill and at the Globe between Charing-Cross and White-Hall, London, c.1675-[88]
A Map of the Sea Coast of England France and Holland
200 x 175 mm., early outline colour, with extended margin to the right side, two minor centrefold splits either side, otherwise in good condition.
Stock number: 8772
£ 650

MORDEN, Robert and BERRY, William
London, c.1672
A New Mapp of the Sea Coasts of England, France and Holland
AN UNRECORDED AND APPARENTLY UNIQUE EXAMPLE. 435 x 550 mm., a tear runs between Flanders and France, there are two others above, two more smaller tears are along the lower margin, and one on the left side. Similarly, a small thumbnail sized area has been filled in lower left of the title where there has been some loss at the fold. All tears have been professionally restored and the whole has been re-margined, not backed, and some of the engraved neatline is lacking on the right, otherwise in good condition.
Stock number: 8773
£ 2,950

Amsterdam, 1734
Afteekening van de Rivier van London .../ Afteekening van de Yarmouthse Banken geleegen voor Yarmouth …
510 x 590 mm., printed on thick paper and in good condition.
Stock number: 8771
£ 400

OVERTON, Philip - BOWLES, Thomas
London, 1726
The Counties of Essex Middlesex & Hertfordshire. Actualy Survey'd by Several Hands Corrected and Amended & Humbly Dedicated to the Nobility and Gentry of the Said Counties
590 x 925 mm., early outline colour, with secondary folds as issued to facilitate binding, some to lower right fold repair work and at the double folds, light brown to right fold otherwise in good condition.
Stock number: 8175
£ 1,500

MORDEN, Robert
London, 1695
360 x 420 mm., in good condition.
Stock number: 8078
£ 120

London, 1803
70 x 70 mm., with text below, in fine full early wash colour.
Stock number: 5805
£ 120

SAXTON, Christopher - KIP, William
London, 1607-[10]
Essexia Comitatus
280 x 360 mm., in good condition.
Stock number: 5602
£ 250

SMITH, William - OVERTON, Henry
Printed & Sold by Henry Overton at the White Horse without Newgate, London, 1602-[1713]
A New Mapp of the County of Essex. Printed and sould by Iohn Overton
440 x 560 mm., largely early outline colour, upper left margin professionally extended, with old folds to facilitate binding into a smaller work, otherwise in good condition.
Stock number: 4786
£ 850

SMITH, William - OVERTON, John
Printed and sould by Io. Overton against Sepulchers church, London, 1602-[c.1670]
1602. Essexiae Comitatus descriptio Continens ...
440 x 560 mm., with four expert extended margins virtually undetectable, otherwise in very good condition.
Stock number: 4785
£ 1,250

JANSSON, Jan - SCHENK, Pieter & VALK, Gerard
Amsterdam, c.1690
Essexiae Descriptio. The Description of Essex
380 x 480 mm., in fine early wash colour. With very large margins and on good paper, one small wormhole in the right margin.
Stock number: 3869
£ 450

WAGHENAER, Lucas Jansz.
Leiden, 1584
De Zee Custen Tusschen Douere en Orfordts Nesse, Daer de Teemse de Vermaer de Rivire va Lonon ...
TRUE FIRST STATE. 330 x 510 mm., with Dutch text on the verso. In very good condition.
Stock number: 3916
£ 2,500

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